About O.U.C.H
What is The Organization for Understanding Cluster Headaches?
Organization for Understanding Cluster Headaches (O.U.C.H) is a 501, c,
(3), nonprofit organization, formed to assist cluster headache
sufferers and their families (supporters). O.U.C.H was formed
and is operated by cluster headache sufferers and
supporters on a strictly
volunteer basis.
Our mission is to provide information and emotional support to cluster
headache sufferers throughout the world. We encourage,
support and participate in research to develop new and improved
therapies and practices for treating cluster headaches. We
conduct annual conferences, attended by sufferers from all over the
world. Numerous smaller gatherings are conducted throughout
the year, all over the US. Cluster headache sufferers and supporters
can meet other sufferers and supporters, many for the first time in
their lives. We establish communication with the medical,
research and pharmaceutical communities to further the understanding of
sufferer's needs and to encourage improved diagnosis and treatment of
clusters. We try to gather, on this web site, all pertinent
information which may help sufferers understand and deal with their
Membership in O.U.C.H is open to anyone who sufferers with cluster
headaches, supports someone with cluster headaches or has an interest
in cluster headaches. Membership is completely
Please consider joining O.U.C.H and helping us achieve these goals.
Board of Directors
Files below require acrobat reader
- Letter from the President
- Executive Committee
- Board of Directors
- Mission and Vision Statement
- Annual Report
- History of O.U.C.H. (part 1)
- History of O.U.C.H (part 2)
- Member testimonials (part 1)
Please help us help you by going to the Donations page and making a contribution today.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this web site is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional care or for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical disorder. O.U.C.H makes no claims as to the scientific/clinical validity of the information on this site OR to that of the information linked to from this site. All information taken from the internet should be discussed with a medical professional!