OUCH-US (Organization for the Understanding of Cluster Headaches) was the first organized non-profit 501 ( c ) 3 for the purpose of advocating and supporting people with cluster headaches.
During the many years they were in operation, they accomplished a great deal for the community and were instrumental in advancing the education of the patient community as well as the medical community. Under their leadership they were able to undertake important research projects and advocate for the patient community within the medical community and through legislative action.
The organization was founded by and supported by volunteers that assembled from the website and message board: Clusterheadaches.com. This was also the first website to make an appearance on the internet, dedicated to the cluster headache community.
When the organization was disbanded, they donated all assets including the website to Clusterbusters. The domain was hijacked for several years but is now safely back in the hands of those it was intended. Clusterbusters is proud to be the recipient of the domain and it will be on permanent display as a tribute to all those dozens of people that put in thousands of hours of volunteer time for the benefit of the community.
The current home page for OUCH-US contains information regarding board members and other out of date information but this will remain in tact for the time being so people can see some of the names and faces of people that made a positive difference in the cluster community.
Everyone that had saved links for content on the OUCH -US website can use those old links to access the wealth of information that was collected and produced by OUCH.
There are no @OUCH emails in service. Any questions or comments should be directed to Clusterbusters at info@clusterbusters.org